MENA means Middle-East and Northern African, an area that has been lagging behind for years. It comprises of over 20 countries and up to 400 million inhabitants. Both the countries and residents are located on different parts of the region.
One spectacular thing as regard the MENA people is the variation in the ledger used by each country, which makes it somewhat hard to deal using just one currency throughout the entire region.
Nevertheless, irrespective of their scattered location of the countries, the common feature shared by the entire region is the Arabic language. This Arabic is the general language of the Middle-East and Northern African region.
MenaPay project is a blockchain platform built to incorporate cryptocurrency payment option in the MENA region which will stand for cash or credit card transactions. All actions on the MenaPay platform is done using Arabic Language.
Advantages of Using MenaPay
Reduced Transaction Cost
MenaPay is a key breakthrough in the procedure of transaction as it eliminates middlemen such as financial institutions. MenaPay offers a blockchain-oriented payment platform that facilitates the meeting of buyers and sellers why eliminating the need for intermediaries. This substantially reduces the transaction cost.
Reallocation of Income
Yet another great achievement of MenaPay platform is reallocation of income. MenaPay helps the buyers and merchants by eliminating the need for intermediaries in the transaction. As such, the MenaPay platform aids in redistributing income from the cutthroat financial institutions to the buyers and sellers of the product.
Token Distribution
MenaPay Team ![men5-1.png]()
MenaPay seeks to offer a unilateral currency that will be used throughout the Middle-East and Northern African region. It is highly essential to have such a currency in this material point in time as some parts of the region are volatile and it’s risky carrying liquid cash all around.
Besides, the MENA token seeks to unite the people of the Middle-East and Northern Africa the more.
For Your Information :

Author : Radoevee


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